Serena Williams: 18 provoking pictures that dazzle everyone

Serena Williams shows off a slimmer figure in tiny bikini

How very wrong we were. But Ms Minaj’s gloriously rotund rear is made to look minuscule by Serena Williams’ muscular sculpted rump. While it begs the question, ‘do you even squat?’ to the world’s most famous reality star – as even Kim Kardashian’s logic-defying derrière seems rather deflated in comparison.

The  tennis champion was soaking up the sun during a well deserved break after smashing the tennis world. Venus’ sister showcased her powerful thighs and bootylicious behind in a black and neon green bikini.


Serena Williams flaunts extreme muscle booty
Accessorising with a 1970s style floppy-brimmed hat and some round shades, Serena looked a world away from the fierce competitor we so often see in the tennis court. Dwarfing her unlikely sunbathing companion Eva Longoria, the two were seen giggling together as they headed to the shallow waves to cool down.

The athlete and the Desperate Housewives star didn’t concern themselves with the glares of onlookers at the beach as they enjoyed their relaxing time together.


Serena Williams enjoying
Earlier this year Serena said: “I never thought I’d be playing at this stage and I have had a lot of time to think about it. “I never thought I would have one of the best years this year, but I always just try to keep doing things better. I’m still looking to improve.”

Serena Williams looks incredible in a colourful swimsuit as she jumps into the water and cosies up to husband Alexis Ohanian in the South Of France

Serena Williams beach style
Serena Williams travelled to France and she ensured to make the most of her trip to Europe as she enjoyed some downtime with her family while staying at a luxury hotel in the South Of France on Saturday.

The athlete looked incredible in a colourful swimsuit which boasted panels of bright yellow and pink and was seen cosying up to her husband Alexis Ohanian, in between jumping into the cool water. Serena appeared to be in great spirits while making the most of the sunshine, with the star beaming smiles and laughing as she chatted to her beau.


Serena Williams immaculate images will leave you drooling pics

After looking at the refreshing water for a few moments, Serena and Alexis took it in turns to launch from the stone side and diving board into the sea. They both seemed to be having a fabulous time larking around, with Serena also using a small metal ladder to get into the water.

From Serena Williams to Tori Spelling

Serena donned a striking one-piece for the outing which featured a small strap around her neck and accessorised with a small gold necklace. Alexis also caught the eye in a pair of brightly patterned swimming trunks, with the Reddit founder leaving his long brunette locks down for the dip in the water.

Serena Williams' Best Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Photos

Serena and her husband, who share beautiful daughter Olympia, travelled to France as she enjoyed some downtime with her family while staying at a luxury hotel in the South Of France.

Serena Williams Bikini Pictures of tennis QueenWilliams took to the beach for some R&R on May 31. She feted the relaxing occasion in a racy animal print one-piece swimsuit, while keeping her blonde locks loose and wild. Serena Williams flashes her unbelievably toned backside in gray spandex during glammed up workout session.


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