According to reports, the pop star is also being haunted by the ghost of his past amid the interest around him in the wake of...
Suri Cruise, the 18-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, was seen having an emotional moment on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. Photographs...
While reflecting on her marriage to ex-husband, actor Cory Hardrict, actress Tia Mowry reveals she lost her virginity to him as she couldn’t date until...
Tom Cruise has recently made headlines for a major decision regarding his relationship with his daughter, Suri Cruise. The 18-year-old, who graduated from LaGuardia High...
The rumors and allegations surrounding Will Smith and P Diddy, as well as Willow Smith’s shocking claims has created a whirlwind of controversy in the...
Chris Hemsworth has filed for divorce from his wife on his 41st birthday. The news comes after reports that the couple had been facing significant...
The Enigmatic Life of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt: A Journey of Identity and Purpose. Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, the daughter of Hollywood titans Brad Pitt and Angelina...
It seems as though Sofia Vergara may be newly back on the market, after hinting that she and her boyfriend of one year, orthopedic surgeon...
Richard Gere unearthed some feelings regarding his hit 1990 movie “Pretty Woman.” The actor, who stars in the film alongside Julia Roberts, said during a...
Sofia Vergara has not yet dared to admit that she has something special with Dr. Justin Saliman, with whom she has been romantically linked in...